Schedule Change Policy
SAMS Schedule Change Policy
Scheduling Policy and Procedures
Students are advised of their requirements and select classes every spring through classroom visits with their counselor. After the completion of the spring scheduling visit, students request courses using an "encore class enrollment sheet.". At this time, students request which courses they would prefer to take. If students do not return this form, the counselor places the students in classes with remaining space. The registration process helps us plan the number of sections we need for classes and to distribute students equally. Since students choose their courses, they will remain in the courses they are placed in at the beginning of the year.
Students receive their completed class schedules in August. All schedules are reviewed by the counselors for accuracy. Counselors are available the week before school to make academic adjustments if there is an error in a schedule. There should be very few schedule changes necessary as students have already requested the courses they wish to take toward graduation.
Course changes must be completed within the first two weeks of school. To schedule a meeting with a counselor, please contact your counselor via phone or email.
Schedule changes WILL be made for the following reasons:
1. Academic misplacement: Student is placed in the wrong level of class (advanced vs. general vs. co-taught).
2. Missing an academic class: Student is missing a core class such as English, social studies, math, or science.
3. To balance classes so overcrowding does not occur.
Schedules will NOT be changed for the following reasons:
1. To change the student’s lunch
2. To have classes with friends
3. Student or parent does not like the teacher
4. Teacher is too difficult, too easy, or gives too much work
Personality conflicts will not be justification for changing a class. All conflicts need to be resolved in a mature, professional manner. We ask that the student and parent first take the responsibility to meet with the teacher and work through the problem. If a resolution cannot be reached, then the parent should contact an administrator to meet about the issue. If a class change is granted by the administration, it will be based on space availability and with the least impact to the student’s schedule.